According to the Mayo Clinic the best of massage are.
Massage is very helpful for Anxiety, Digestive Disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Stress related Insomnia, Myofascial pain syndrome, Soft tissue strains or injuries, Sports Injuries, and temporomandibular joint pain.
Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.
Despite it's benefits, massage isn't meant as a replacement for regular medical care. And all massage packages offered at Feet First are for relaxation purposes ONLY.
When looking for a massage therapist make sure you find a professional licensed therapist. At Feet First ALL of our therapist are licensed by the State of Nevada and have been trained to be the best in their field.
For the best massage in Henderson visit Feet First at the Galleria Mall in Henderson. 1300 Sunset Road #1121 on the lower level in the Kohl's court.
